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The nine Work Packages have their own milestones, goals and research strategies. This page gives an introduction to the project's research structure and updates on the activities within the WP's. For more info on the underlying research foundation, please see About.

URBES structure

URBES consists of four clusters, each managing 2-3 work packages:

WP 0, Coordination and management. Lead: Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC)

Cluster I: Urban Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Land Use

WP 1, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Lead partner: SRC. Participating partners: The Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics (Beijer), Humboldt University (HU), University of Salzburg (US), University of Helsinki (UH), Tishman Environment and Design Center (TEDC)

WP 2, Future Urban Land Use. Lead partner: HU. Participating partners: SRC, Erasmus University Rotterdam with the Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Mistra Urban Futures (MiUF), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), US, UH, TEDC.

Cluster II: Valuation of Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

WP 3, Monetary Valuation. Lead partner: Beijer. Participating partners: Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), HU.

WP 4, Non-monetary Valuation. Lead partner: US. Participating partners:TUM, HU, SRC, UAB, IfW, TEDC.

WP 5, Synthesis and Multi-Criteria Assessment. Lead partner: UAB. Participating partners: TUM, IfW, US, Beijer, SRC, TEDC.

Cluster III: Governance and Management of Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

WP 6, Land Use Scenarios and Strategies. Lead partner: Mistra Urban Futures. Participating partners:SRC, HU, US, DRIFT, TUM, UH.

WP 7, Governance and Institutions. Lead partner: DRIFT. Participating partners: SRC, Mistra Urban Futures, Beijer, US, UAB, UH. Subcontracted: IUCN, ICLEI (ICLEI Europe and Cities Biodiversity Center).

Cluster IV: Commuication and Training

WP 8, Communication and Dissemination. Lead partner: SRC Subcontracted: IUCN, ICLEI.

WP 9, Training and Capacity Building. Lead partner: SRC. Subcontracted: ICLEI, IUCN.

New from Research

The Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - Action and Policy (CBO), the world's first global assessment on the links between urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services, was launched in Hyderabad at the Cities for Life Summit at the CBD COP11.

A special publication with focus on Indian urbanization, that builds on the findings in the forthcoming CBO, was also presented.

Action and Policy will be followed by the more extended Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - Scientific Analyses and Assessments book, published by Springer in 2013.

The WP structure and interactions illustrated:

Urbes outlined